What can I say? I'm hopping on the bandwagon. I just moved to North Dakota, and along with getting my life back together and focusing on my career, I'm going to try to reconnect with friends from years past via the internet. Plus, you know, I like to talk about myself and stuff.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

A Return to Normalcy (As If)

I've been out of sorts as of late. I'm not sure if it's the holiday season, the cold weather, or just the fact that I'm a basket case, but I've been in a slump the last couple of weeks. This refers mostly to the fact that I haven't really been pushing myself at work and at home either. I've just been too passive. So, well, I'm not going to get ahead of myself. Tomorrow is Friday and it's the day before a three-day weekend so I'm probably not going to push myself any harder than I have to, but it's my Christmas goal to start up fully and kick ass as of Dec. 26. You should all make me do this so I feel like less of a waste of life.

In a completely unrelated matter, I did find a farm story...I wrote about the price of beef and the fact that many cattle breeders are in the process of restocking their herds. I learned that there is a cattle cycle; it lasts 10 years, with six years up and four years of decline. Yeah, that's what southwestern North Dakota has to offer.

I just read this article (I'm all over the map tonight, eh?) about myspace.com. Oh, I recently joined myspace, so if anyone reads this and is my friend and wants to add themself to my list, now would be the time to do such a thing, you know, before myspace falls out of fashion with the cool kids. Um, anyway, it says how tweens are using it even though they're not allowed to and pedophiles get them or something. Anyway, that's not the point (for me); it's funny that even as a 24-year-old, I guess I never really thought about how much you reveal about yourself on a blog or on myspace. I mean, even if you don't list your personal information (like I do), you say things like where you work or where you hang out and when you do these things. If anyone really had a hard-on to find you, it'd be pretty easy if you were listed on these sites. That almost made me paranoid enough to take myself away from these things, but frankly, I'm not conceited enough to think anyone cares so much about what I do that they'd stalk me. I mean, I mostly do this for myself anyway....oh god, no one's reading...sigh...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read and care, if that's something.

3:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's wild about them cattle . . . Yesterday here in Utah about 160 sheep got hit by a train in the middle of nowhere. It made news on every station and even had skynews reporting! Kind-a made me feel like a hick watching it. I could see why you left O-town to move to the big city. umh . . . anyways . . .

9:05 PM


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