What can I say? I'm hopping on the bandwagon. I just moved to North Dakota, and along with getting my life back together and focusing on my career, I'm going to try to reconnect with friends from years past via the internet. Plus, you know, I like to talk about myself and stuff.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

A Wedding and A Funeral

I don't know how awful of language one can use on a blog, so I'll try to edit myself. On Saturday, my boss got married. It was interesting, mostly because I haven't been to a wedding since I was under 16 years of age, which means it's been almost 10 years. So, it was at a Lutheran Church. I don't think I've ever been to one before, but I found that the prayers, etc. weren't all that different. Turns out Martin Luther didn't want to step that far out of the bounds of Catholicism. But, the boss, being a writer, wrote some pretty decent vows, and it was sort of sweet. If I wasn't such a cynical bastard, I probably would have appreciated it more. Being that I don't believe in the institution of marriage, I don't really care that much to see some meaningless vows. So, there's that.

The funeral, well, I actually didn't attend one. But really, if there is anything that I hope rests in peace, it's the fact that I broke up (or whatever) with Dallas. I know that most of you are disappointed and many of you might be sad, but frankly, if you know me, I'm a commitment-phobe, so it is what I was bound to do.

I'm not the sort of person who ends relationships well so I counted on my co-workers to go out with me and help me with the fact that I'm a heartless bitch (my words, not his). They were there for me and for that I love them. For the rest, I count on Belle and Sebastian to bring me home with "Don't Leave the Light on, Baby" and "The Wrong Girl."

Hooray for horribly sappy music.

OH GOD, and I forgot to call Shayna, so if you're out there in Virginia, please forgive me. I really am just insane this week. I will call you sometime this week or I'll call you next weekend. I'm sorry.

Also, Robyn Salbo, not that you have yet discovered my blog, but thank you for your letter. I will return one much more half-assed than that. :) Love you all.


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