I'm not going to eat tomorrow, because I'm going to be a supermodel

Other than seeing Harry Potter, my weekend was not very eventful.
Well, Sunday, I did go for a walk with infamous co-worker Stefanie Briggs, and I watched Collateral (finally) while I did laundry.
So, instead of a real post, we'll relive the glory days gone past.
I don't even know if I ever shared these lovely photos with anybody, but back in the day at Scrapbook Retailer, I was considered quite hip enough to be a supermodel for famous designer, Sue Dreamer. For as hilarious the idea of me being a model is, I was quite honored to be selected. Ms. Dreamer is one of the coolest little ladies I have ever met, and she lives outside of Boston, which earns her major props.
Anyway, last year in February, there were a few progressive people in the scrapbook industry who thought it a good idea to get out of the box of scrapbookers being seen as boring soccer moms, so they did a fashion show, using all sorts of scrapbooking products. There must exist pictures somewhere of the truly fantastic paper dresses, or dresses made of gloves. And, while mine is more embellishments, it was a pretty hip little outfit I got to wear. In case you were wondering, I have to point out three things: 1. I walked down the runway to "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" 2. I made the little thing around my wrist myself (by cutting up a fishnet sock), as well as putting some sticky string on my own shoes (not pictured). 3. Yes, that is Leeza Gibbons talking to me (I told her she looked gorgeous in that dress, and she said she most of the time felt like the little punk-rocker that I looked like.) The only other thing I'll say about the whole experience was the fact that while I should have been awkward and nervous, I was completely at ease, and I did a damn fine job of modeling. Not that I'll have the funds or the means to get to Vegas for this year's show, I'd love to go again. Hooray for supermodels!
Hi. This is really random, but I found your blog while Googling someone I went to high school with, Stefanie Briggs. If this is the Stefanie that graduated from Robbinsdale Cooper HS in MN, would you mind passing along to her that Kris Peters is interested in talking to her and catching up and that I can be contacted via my blog here? Thanks!
8:49 PM
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