What can I say? I'm hopping on the bandwagon. I just moved to North Dakota, and along with getting my life back together and focusing on my career, I'm going to try to reconnect with friends from years past via the internet. Plus, you know, I like to talk about myself and stuff.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Another Democratic response...

First of all, I know almost no one will read this as it's been longer than a half a year since I posted. But, still, I've had it up to here (imagine my hand perpendicular to my neck)and had to vent somewhere.

Here's why I'll never understand conservatives: recently in the state in which I reside there was a massive tornado and there's about to be a shit fit out east because people aren't insured appropriately to qualify for FEMA help. That's all well and good, I mean if a whirlwind ripped through my house I'd have my hand out as well, waiting for some much needed funds. Here's the problem: no one wants their taxes to go up; everyone praises tax cuts. How are we meant to fund anything if people don't want to put money into something and then have their hands out waiting for help? No, it can't be someone else's money, it has to be all of our money. That's how government is supposed to work.

That example not good enough for you? Why is it then that as I've been listening to the city and the county attempt to adopt an annual budget that the public safety keeps getting the shaft? No one wants to hear their taxes are rising because we want another police vehicle or we need another officer to man the schools. But sure enough when the bomb threats come in, people wonder why there's not more staff.

I'm not saying I have all the answers and I certainly don't have the money to offer to the victims of the tornado or the sheriff's department, but I pay my taxes and don't bitch too often.

God, I miss the good ole days of FDR. Sigh.


Blogger allison said...

f yeah.

8:03 AM


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