What can I say? I'm hopping on the bandwagon. I just moved to North Dakota, and along with getting my life back together and focusing on my career, I'm going to try to reconnect with friends from years past via the internet. Plus, you know, I like to talk about myself and stuff.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Whose house runs House?

This will be quick because I'm either busy watching a liberally slanted television show or reading a liberally slanted magazine/blog or both.

Whose house runs House?!

The mother-f-ing Dems that is who! We have both houses. Both. We have the House of Representatives. We have the Senate. Even in my lowly state, which isn't about to make Blue State of the Year had losses (with a half-billion dollar surplus, no less). I concede we're still in the minority here, but somebody pinch me, D.C. is seeing BLUE!

Seriously, literally, on every level imaginable, I cannot honestly remember a Dem controlled Congress. The first House leader I remember is Gingrinch - try getting that out of your nightmares. That reminds me, somebody pinch me, if I can't remember a Democrat controlled house, I'm probably dreaming.

Or else watching The West Wing. Oh, that reminds me, back to season two....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

(It probably sounds better with the music). What a beautiful week--never in a million years did I think we'd take both houses, but--holy shit, Batman--we did. Who's your Daddy now, Karl Rove? Twenty-seven House seats (at least), six Senate seats (what gutsy campaigns by McCaskill, Tester, and Webb--everybody say "Oh yeah!" OH YEAH!), and just to top it off, we took back the Michigan House for the first time in sixteen years (alas, the Michigan Senate still proved out of reach). And our guv and sitting Senator won huge. It's a beautiful week to be a Democrat...
Now if we just don't screw it up!

10:36 PM


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