What can I say? I'm hopping on the bandwagon. I just moved to North Dakota, and along with getting my life back together and focusing on my career, I'm going to try to reconnect with friends from years past via the internet. Plus, you know, I like to talk about myself and stuff.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

13 Going on 25

Last night was hands-down the best night I've had since Labor Day.

I lived like a 13-year-old girl and it's never been more fun. My Internet friends, who really at this point should just be called friends, invited me over to their house to watch horror flicks. In celebration of Friday the 13th and the fact that Halloween is just over two weeks away, we thought it was appropriate. Well, okay, Allison did, but it was an emotion seconded by me and thirded by her husband. Is thirded a word? Can I add it to the dictionary if not?

More than watching horror movies, we dined like kings on peanut butter cups, popcorn and wine. Who could ask for better horror movie grub?

I probably stayed up later than I have in months but we made it through three movies. In honor of our reason to get together, we watched Friday the 13th Part II first, and I was delighted that my friends were happy to laugh at the movie with me. I'll grant you our comments were no deeper than analyzing how particularly clueless the characters were, but it was great fun nonetheless. We then bantered briefly about the meaning of organic and whether I could write a story on it. Then, we watched perhaps the best named movie ever to be made, Frankenfish. I'll grant you the movie was hilariously bad but it was all that the three of us could have asked for, and I even think a bit character from Batman Begins is in it. I imagine you can guess the plot based on the title, but it's so much more than a flick about a giant man-eating fish, it also touches on such deep subjects as the after-effects of the Vietnam War (thanks to Ricardo), the crazy voodoo lady and her gut feelings and the sport of hunting big fish. We then ended up chatting on the awesomeness of Emergency & I and The Arcade Fire. Then, we watched The Howling, which kind of confused me but that might have been because I was too busy talking about cryptozoology instead of watching the werewolf flick. Still, there were some great scenes, some maulings and of course, tons of nudity. Great times!

So, yeah, all in all, it was a good weekend and now it's time to catch up on reading my goofy political stuff. Yay Barack!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am now an Internet video junkie, especially on comedy central, no thanks to you! Blast you and Jon Stewart's witty, insightful ways!

9:13 PM

Blogger that one guy you know said...

If you're looking for more political-type reading stuff, I am deep into "Team of Rivals." It's a multi-biography of Lincoln and his cabinet members through the formation of the Republican Party, Lincoln's surprise nomination, and the Civil War.

It's supremely fascinating, especially for us history/political nerds. And lugging that giant tome around will let everyone know you're a HUGE history/political nerd, just in case there are some folks who haven't figured it out yet.

8:23 AM


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