What can I say? I'm hopping on the bandwagon. I just moved to North Dakota, and along with getting my life back together and focusing on my career, I'm going to try to reconnect with friends from years past via the internet. Plus, you know, I like to talk about myself and stuff.

Monday, November 27, 2006

incredibly pathetic

About the only reason I have to live anymore is The West Wing.

I can't tell you what an incredibly good show it is and how much it means to my faith in humanity (but it does help that the Dems just took control of both houses). But what I will say is that I've been watching the show at its peak (the second season, from what I've been told and read) and what I will say is the last two 'sodes have inspired me in every aspect of my life.

1) Episode 1 - "The Stackhouse Filibuster" - "Tonight, I've seen a man with no legs stay standing, dad, and a guy with no voice keep shouting; and if politics brings out the worst in people, maybe people bring out the best."

2) Episode 2 - "17 People" - Josh Lymon - "If you were in an accident, I wouldn't stop for a beer." Donnatella Moss - "If you were in an accident, I wouldn't stop for red lights."

It appeals to the romantic and democracy-lover in all of us. Now if I only had more of a life to care about something other than a drama that premiered eight years ago.

Sleep well and happy December.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Big Mouth strikes again...

Oh, Republicans, when will you ever learn? If you'd stop doing ridiculously dumb things, I'd stop thinking you were so ridiculously dumb. And stop dragging Boston University's good reputation through the mud. To read more, click here.

I guess the College Republicans at BU are trying to make some point about affirmative action. Something about awarding scholarships to specifically caucations. But I am not convinced that the BU campus is the right one to make such a point. If memory serves, it's one of the whitest schools on the planet. And while there were a lot more ladies, certainly there wasn't a lot of color. So whatever point they're trying to make, seems lost.

Further, since when does BU have Republicans? Again, if memory serves, everyone votes blue in Boston (except, probably, the former Chancellor).

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The world has turned...

Do you think that Weezer's blue album is the Gen-Y's Rumours? It has been out for more than a decade and it still never gets old to me - do you think it has another score in it?

Just a thought in this mushy brain that is over-stressed, over-tired and possibly deranged.

That's all folks.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Where's the funny?

You know you're at a lull when your romantic life resembles a plot from The O.C. and your professional life resembles Bridget Jones' Diary.

I have either forgotten to laugh at myself or am lacking for people to laugh at me.

Sigh. At least I have the children.


Thursday, November 09, 2006

Whose house runs House?

This will be quick because I'm either busy watching a liberally slanted television show or reading a liberally slanted magazine/blog or both.

Whose house runs House?!

The mother-f-ing Dems that is who! We have both houses. Both. We have the House of Representatives. We have the Senate. Even in my lowly state, which isn't about to make Blue State of the Year had losses (with a half-billion dollar surplus, no less). I concede we're still in the minority here, but somebody pinch me, D.C. is seeing BLUE!

Seriously, literally, on every level imaginable, I cannot honestly remember a Dem controlled Congress. The first House leader I remember is Gingrinch - try getting that out of your nightmares. That reminds me, somebody pinch me, if I can't remember a Democrat controlled house, I'm probably dreaming.

Or else watching The West Wing. Oh, that reminds me, back to season two....

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Anything is possible!

I have not felt this happy and giddy since the Red Sox beat the Yankees in Game 7 of the division series in 2004! What a day. Godspeed, you two fine Democrats who have yet to win a Senate seat.

I got the VERY best comment today about the trials the Dems have ahead of them. It was this: 'Once you catch the fish, or shoot the bear, then the real work begins.' To me, it says, we've got it, what are we going to do with it (and don't screw this up!)? Godspeed to all you Dems. Shine on you crazy diamonds!

Good night...

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Wiser? Maybe.

Meaner? Yes.

So, I turned the sprightly age of 25 this week, and it's got me a little freaked out. However, if you're older than me and you're name is Pete, you think I'm a fucking idiot for worrying so much. But hey, them's the breaks for a whiner like me.

I hope I'm not a bad person, but I realize as I get older I deal a lot less with people's bullshit. I still don't particularly like confrontation, but telling someone what I really think has saved me a lot of energy in the past few months. Ahh, I'm a bastard.

As I've expanded on it personally to some of those closest to me, I won't go into this second installment of my mid-mid life crisis, but rest assured it is here. Maybe it's an every milestone thing or an every five year thing, but sometimes you need to re-evaluate where you are at and where you want to go. For me, I'm thinking beach-front property in a blue state. Ahhh....

I have two other unrelated matters to discuss.

1) Fantasy Congress is going to be amazing!!! I picked my team today and on the plus side I got Barack; on the plus-side-but-going-to-lose-miserably, I got Dennis Kucinich. Hooray for being a nerdlinger.

2) I have a new boyfriend. His name is Christian Bale. You might have seen him recently in The Prestige. In X-inia world, he thinks I'm fantastic too. In the real world, the $25 bucks or so I've spent to see his movies probably doesn't amount to much. Sigh.

Back to this little lady's fantasy world....