What can I say? I'm hopping on the bandwagon. I just moved to North Dakota, and along with getting my life back together and focusing on my career, I'm going to try to reconnect with friends from years past via the internet. Plus, you know, I like to talk about myself and stuff.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

On Being 24+

So, if you haven't called me in a week, you probably don't know (and YET probably aren't surprised to know) that I had an eventful birthday weekend.

On Friday, I thought I'd be classy and attend a wine tasting. Being in North Dakota, I thought, this will be lame and old men. OH, the wine tasting was at an Elks Club. God, am I amazing! Anyway, after the tasting was over, they had half-full bottles of wine. Being a moocher, I totally stole one. Then, I drank a lot, and then I called co-workers, and then I got sick, and then the co-workers arrived. Awesome!

Then, Saturday I did very little except sleep.

On Sunday, it was my ever-so-unexciting-24th-birthday. I actually had a few people over from work, so it was fun. Plus, I played house-frau and cooked a decent meal for everyone. I didn't think I drank too much, but some parts of the night are sort of blurry.

This week at work was, ugh, I don't even know how to describe it. It wasn't bad, but I feel like I accomplished very little. So, in celebration, we went to a country bar with karaoke. That was awesome.

I got drunk enough to sing in front of people, but I sang the one of the few songs available on karaoke that I love more than anything and know most of the words to, and that is Lisa Loeb's
"Stay." Because I was the last person to sing, or because I am such a terrible singer you need to laugh at me twice, they honest-to-god did an encore of my song, so I had to see myself in all my ridiculous glory. What a great evening!

Anyway, all's I can say now, is I might be an official North Dakotan, but I need my pookie bear so much.


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