What can I say? I'm hopping on the bandwagon. I just moved to North Dakota, and along with getting my life back together and focusing on my career, I'm going to try to reconnect with friends from years past via the internet. Plus, you know, I like to talk about myself and stuff.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Pray for Bunn

Without being too melodramatic (yet), my orange cat is very ill. In fact, the vet used the term "life-threatening." At the moment, I barely understand what's happening (it's all happening very fast), but what I do know is that Bunn essentially has kidney stones. And before you think I'm a bad parent, you should know that it's hard to tell if your cat isn't peeing when you have two of them. And I feel bad enough already, thank you very much. But anyway, they don't know if after they empty his bladder with a catheter, if he'll get any better, because they're not sure if his kidneys and bladder will still function.

Anyway, I felt so bad about the whole thing and nearly sick to my stomach that I decided I'd light a candle for Bunn. I don't know the reasons that real Catholics do this but I know that it does give me some comfort to do and I like to feel it takes a load off of my shoulders and gives it to God, or whomever. Anyway, it would have meant a lot to me to do, but the church I stopped at didn't have the option and I'm saying (possibly) goodbye to a friend tonight so I'm not stopping in every church on the way out. But, I will light him a personal candle from home tonight and I'm asking each of you, whatever religion you may be, to pray for Bunn.

I am not ready yet to be a parent to just one little children and I think Bunn feels the same. Dixie, after all, does need some company. I'm trying to be hopeful, and maybe if we all are, it'll help. I'm sorry to be so sentimental about my cats and almost nothing else in the world, but it is very important to me. Thank you.


Blogger Shayna said...

Nico and Bartleby will say a special Cattish prayer for bunn.

I'm sorry christinia

6:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So happy to hear the Bunn is doing well. Miss Boo Kitty is still chugging along. I actually had to participate in such an operation when my friend, Dr. Kate, did one. I was horrified as I had to scrape kidney stones from a cat's penis. EHHHHHHHH! Glad to know that I added to the cat's relief.

9:00 PM


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