What can I say? I'm hopping on the bandwagon. I just moved to North Dakota, and along with getting my life back together and focusing on my career, I'm going to try to reconnect with friends from years past via the internet. Plus, you know, I like to talk about myself and stuff.

Friday, September 29, 2006

The Ice of Boston is muddy

Native Bostonians Unable To Defend Land From Invading College Students

The Onion

Native Bostonians Unable To Defend Land From Invading College Students

BOSTON—With vast amounts of outside money funding the invasion, Boston-area locals say they are unable to compete with the student onslaught.

It's been awhile since I've read The Onion, but this caught my eye. It made me laugh one of those nostalgic laughs that then almost made me cry. Almost.

Anyway, if I did it right you should be able to link to the full article. All you crazy Bostonians out there, enjoy.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

On the dark side

Well, my first official post under my new web address is a grouchy one.

I'm finally starting to get my cold; it's f-ing freezing already (not literally, but it was in the high 30s tody); my tummy aches; and in general, I'm becoming a malcontent. The bright side is I think I did a few things right at my job and it's going smoothly - of course, this might be because it's the only thing that isn't going badly. (I'm feeling a tad melodramatic.)

I'm really searching for something more interesting going on in my life, but I'm roughly coming up with the fact that I have an extra long weekend coming up, with nothing to do. So far, my imaginary plans are to have lunch with my Internet friends on Friday (but I have to ask first) and be cured on Monday of whatever is causing my upset stomach (this is only a hope). That's not too many things in four days, so I might also read a little; I will likely sleep a lot; and I'll probably spend time with the co-workers at the bar.

Anyway, feeling not a little pathetic, I'm going to go watch Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire for the 10th time, just right after I check my email and play online a bit.

It's good to be back.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Going Underground

I'm beginning the slow process toward becoming anonymous.

I don't mean that in any sort of meta/nihilistic sense. I mean it literally. As anyone might have noticed who has even bothered to check my blog, I've been very, very absent. That has happened for a multitude of reasons, most of which relate to the fact that I've been discovered too often and really meant my posts to be for friends and family. So, I'm removing my name from everywhere on my blog and I am changing my blog name. For those who look here again, it will be gone (assuming I do it right and within the next few days).

Those of you who I want to continue reading my blog, I will email you with the new address (it's an awesome one - I'm so proud of myself for being so clever). For those of you whom I miss in the email, if you contact one of our mutual friends, I'm sure they'll tell you. Or you can email me if you have that as well.

Anyway, rather than go out with a whimper of whines, I'm going out with a bang of positives:

1. Zoolander - That Hansel is so hot right now!
2. Knitting
3. My children, who are eating in the other room
4. that boxed wine is now acceptable (sort of)
5. SportsNight - which I will be watching once I finish this post.
6. Chatting on the phone (or via the Internet) with friends, it's been awhile.
7. Turkey Pot Pies - comfort food for 50 cents.
8. Sleep is pretty awesome.
9. political articles, good journalists
10. The Smiths, Tom Petty, Coldplay, Wilco, et al. that I've been listening to on my iPod.

So, yeah, within the next few days, expect this blog to be gone and a new one in its place. Hoorah for going underground!