What can I say? I'm hopping on the bandwagon. I just moved to North Dakota, and along with getting my life back together and focusing on my career, I'm going to try to reconnect with friends from years past via the internet. Plus, you know, I like to talk about myself and stuff.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


This will be a short post, because I'm such a politics guru that I'm completely fascinated by this article in Rolling Stone by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Yep, I really am that lame.

Anyway, my thoughts on slate.com are two-fold, specifically, I love two of its writers.

First, the obvious (and shorter): John Dickerson. He writes about politics and while I get the sense that he is liberal, he does a good job of hiding it, and presents a sort of outsiders view to the goings on of Washington, D.C. Today (6/20/06), he posted about the Democratic primary in Connecticut, where Lieberman is dangerously close to having to bail out because he is too centerists. My thoughts on Lieberman are not especially warm, despite him being a supposed Democrat. Still, the article was articulate and interesting, and I don't even get to vote on the candidates. Awesome.

Second, the goofy religious guy: David Plotz. About a month ago, he started this project called Blogging the Bible. I am a religion minor so I am curious about religion, if I'm obviously not too religious myself. What I like about Plotz is he doesn't critisize the book unfairly, wherever something seems to be contradictory, he asks for insight from scholars. Wherever he finds a legitimately good moral or message, he is quick to give it credit. Plotz also looks for the practices that Jews and Christians still do in modern society. It is terribly interesting. Plotz literally started at Genesis and has made it to the middle of Exodus so far if you want to catch up; he does a few chapters at a time and posts every other day or so. I am thinking that if he keeps this thing up until Proverbs, I may pick up the Bible again and try to read it again.

Anyway, again, today was a great post. He said that there is a part of the Bible that seems to say abortion isn't the equivalent of killing a person (which just so happens to be right above the "eye for an eye" part of the Bible). He also compared Aaron, Moses' brother, to Fredo in The Godfather. It's deep and shallow at the same time. It's totally me. I highly recommend Slate to all. And to all a goodnight.


Blogger that one guy you know said...

I, too, love the Blogging the Bible series. Really good writing. Accessible, insightful, and funny.

And I, too, am watching the Lieberman primary from afar. While I'd like to see him lose his position, I don't think it'll happen. For some reason, he's very popular in the Nutmeg State. I think if a more liberal Dem took his place, they'd probably elect one of our moderate New England Republicans instead.

At least we still got Chris Dodd.

11:04 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, you gotta go to aol.com and find the video clip for the newest 9-11 movie. Whoa. Whoa is all I have to say.

7:09 PM


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