A Teaser

As you might (or might not) have known, my very own Pookie visited me in Dickinson, ND during the last weekend of April. In that time, she wanted to see what the state had to offer. I am happy to report that I kept her busy for 3.5 days. Yeah!
Pookie came in on Thursday night. She started her trek in LA; stopped in Utah (and saw the best thing that the state has to offer: Nate); stopped in the City of Rocks and spent a little bit of time in Idaho (and got the best thing that the state has to offer: free taters for out-of-staters).

Thursday night, we just went to the Maverick and played naked photo hunt. Lest anyone think we're perverted, there's just something funnier about finding differences between photos when said photos feature scantily clad (and yet still poorly dressed) people.
On Friday, I had to work so Pookie ran around the city of Dickinson for 4 hours. Plus, she stopped in at work. It was actually pretty cool that she did because there was a guy working in the back on the presses and he took the time to show us how the ink gets on the page and told us how fast it could go, etc. It was all stuff that as an employee I should have known and yet didn't. And, the guy in the back should perhaps consider getting a job as a curator; he told a good story and made it interesting.
Then, Friday night, she got the great pleasure of pitchers of Long Island Iced Teas. Oh yeah, and she got to meet my co-workers. Fortunately, I think she liked them, and they liked her. We drunk dialed Greggers which was absolutely fantastic because he was about as drunk as he'd ever been. The best part was the next day when I had no less than five voicemails from him regarding everything from missing us to how much the Yankees in fact suck.

So, then, that was Friday night. We came back in time to watch Family Guy on TBS's Too Funny To Sleep (most of the time, and in fact this night, I fall asleep while watching it, which is ironic, right?).
Saturday, because I was a safe driver, I felt fine. Although I think Pookie may have enjoyed too many pitchers (I think everyone needs to have a good time but I did feel bad that she didn't get a chance to run that morning). But to cure any hangover the best remedy is a greasy breakfast, so we made eggs, toast and bacon. Yay!
If you can't tell by the pictures following my Pookie story, the rest of Saturday afternoon was spent on the Enchanted Highway. I have to admit I thought it would be pretty cheesy, but it was actually kind of nice. It was also just great to have a relaxing drive with Aimee J. She's my hero. I obviously had a lot more pictures from the day, but my stupid Blogger (I mean, Blogger is awesome...please don't take away my account) won't let me add more than five.

So, we very much enjoyed ourselves. Then, while we stopped to take some photos at the end of our trip, we were greeted by Mr. Gary Greff himself, the gentleman who designed all the pieces of work on the Enchanted Highway. He opened up his tchotchke shop for us and we got ourselves some souvenirs. He did not have ice cream, but he did tell us where we could get some. Plus, he let us take a picture with him too. All in all, it was a magnificent afternoon.
After we left the Enchanted Highway, we headed east to Bismarck. Along the way we saw many, many very small towns. One was called Flasher. Needless to say, Pookie and I took pictures and spent most of our time discussing how every woman in flasher must walk around topless all day (yes, at 24 and 25 we are that mature). We came up through Mandan, and saw very unappealing parts of the city. And then we made it to Bismarck.

This time the events were as cheesy as expected but it was still pretty fun. We got suckered in to watching the NFL draft. I'm still pretty upset at how late Matt Leinart got drafted. There were too many scary tykes running around to allow me to play Skee-Ball. There needs to be a grown-up place (read: bar) that has Skee-Ball and Pinball Machines and that game where you bonk gofers on the head. Anyway, we took the highway back after that, and spent a relatively short time in the capital despite a long drive in getting there.
Saturday night we were already a little pooped and knew that we had a big day ahead of us on Sunday, so we did a nice quiet night at The Rock, where the bartender was hot and pretty nice. I got bunches of pretty girly shots and drank Leinenkugel. All in all another great day.
Sunday was quite magical too but in an entirely different way and that, my friends, is a story for another time. Unfortunately, there will probably be only five pictures to accompany that too.
Oh my goodness, you give good recap. I have to say I had a blast. You of course were wonderful. Your friends were wonderful. Woman drowning her children on the Enchanted Highway was wonderful. You, wonderous.
11:14 AM
I've already worn my Teddy Roosevelt T-shirt to work.
9:20 PM
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