Pre-Conception, My Ass
All right. I don't know what your thoughts are on abortion or birth control. If you are against either, you may not want to read the rest of what I have to say.
I just read an article in the Washington Post called "Forever Pregnant." Here's the link: click here.
Anyway, I'm am sick and tired of politicians trying to put their hands on my body. One: it's none of your business who I'm sleeping with and in what matter. Two: Sex is natural. Three: If you really want to advocate something, make sure you're acknowledging the first two factors.
Seriously, to tell me I shouldn't drink or smoke or do anything that would potentiallly harm a baby I'm not planning on having is none of your business. I am not particularly for abortion...I mean, I'm pro-choice but I can't say whether or not I'd have one. But I do think it's my decision. And look, if I'm about to have a baby that I didn't plan for, you are damn right that it is up to me if I want to have one. If I don't, and I choose to drink and smoke and lead an unhealthy lifestyle, well, then that's my choice as an American. For the record, 1) I use protection. 2) It's still my legal right to have an abortion. 3) As a free, 21-year-old, American, it's my fucking right to drink and smoke, and whether or not I'm of birthing age isn't your concern.
Don't tell me how to live my life because, if, and when, I accidentally get pregnant, I'll deal with it. And frankly, if I'm not ready to have one, whether I'm a sober, non-smoking individual won't matter. If I want to have one, I'll have one. If I don't want to have one, as stated before, I'm still allowed to do so. And that, I will defend.
And again, for the record, I'm mostly for pro-choice people, because if you force me to have a child now when I'm not ready I'll probably unintentionally neglect it and I'll probably have to use your hard earned tax dollars (i.e. welfare) to pay for the son of a bitch anyway. Don't force me to have a kid I don't want. That's why abortion should be legal (and it's also why there's protection for people to use it). I am so, so sick of people telling me that abortion should be illegal. If I'm going to neglect the kid and I don't have the income to go through childbirth (when I'm going to give it up for adoption), then don't tell me I can't have an abortion.
And don't give me that bullshit line about how if I don't want to have kids, then I shouldn't have sex, because sex/hormones/attraction are natural and biological. Even if you don't think that science is right, there is some god-damn basis in fact. And it's only normal that teenagers and pubescent people want to get laid. It's in fact natural, so don't tell me to abstain either.
I'm careful but mistakes happen, and even if they don't I don't have to spend my whole life planning for one. Furthermore, if I do, it's called insurance and it should god-damn well cover my birth control so that I can prevent any and all of the above from happening.
Bottoms up and take a drag for me!